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CA AB1305 Disclosures
In accordance with Assembly Bill No. 1305 within the State of California, the following information is a public presentation of 686’s Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures.
Section 44475.1
a) The name of the business entity selling the offset and the offset registry or program.
Offsets were sold to Westlife Distribution Inc by Ecompensate. The registry of the carbon offsets is the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).
b) The project identification number, if applicable.
c) The project name as listed in the registry or program, if applicable.
Inner Mongolia Wujier Phase I Wind Power Project
d) The offset project type, including whether the offsets purchased were derived from a carbon removal, an avoided emission, or a combination of both, and site location.
Energy industries (renewable/non-renewable sources), Wind. The carbon offsets purchased were derived from avoided emissions via increased renewable energy to the grid.
e) The specific protocol used to estimate emissions reductions or removal benefits.
The Project involves the installation of 33 wind turbines, each of which has a rated output of 1500 kW, providing a total installed capacity of 49.5 MW, with a predicted power supplied to the grid of 126,821MWh per annum. The provider of the wind turbines is Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co., Ltd. The purpose of the Project is to utilise a wind power facility to generate zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions electricity for the North China Power Grid, thereby displacing electricity that is relatively carbon-intensive, with a Combined Margin Emission Factor of 0.9502 tCO2/MWh. The Project is therefore expected to reduce emissions of GHG by an estimated 120,508 tCO2e per year during the first crediting period by displacing electricity from the Grid. The baseline scenario is the same as the scenario existing prior to the start of the implementation of the Project activity: electricity delivered to the Grid by the Project would have otherwise been generated by the operation of grid-connected power plants and by the addition of new generation sources.
f) Whether there is independent third-party verification of company data and claims listed.
China Classification Society Certification Company (CCSC), commissioned by China Carbon N.V, has performed the validation of the Project on the basis of requirements of Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Version 4.1, VCS Validation and Verification Manual, and the approved Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodology ACM0002 (Version 20.0), as well as criteria given to provide for consistent project operations, monitoring and reporting. The validation report and the validation protocol are summarizing the findings of the validation. Westlife LLC did not complete any additional third-party verification of the credits, though the credits were used to support their Change Climate Certification.
Section 44475.2
a) All information documenting how, if at all, a “carbon neutral,” “net zero emission,” or other similar claim was determined to be accurate or actually accomplished, and how interim progress toward that goal is being measured. This information may include, but not be limited to, disclosure of independent third-party verification of all of the entity’s greenhouse gas emissions, identification of the entity’s science-based targets for its emissions reduction pathway, and disclosure of the relevant sector methodology and third-party verification used for the entity’s science-based targets and emissions reduction pathway.
Westlife Distribution Inc. claims to offset 100% of GHG emissions in alignment with the Change Climate Certification, which requires annual measurement and offsetting of all GHG emissions.